Ich: Hey I'm alyssa from germany.
Person: From Germany?! Thats awesome!
Und dann kommen die ganzen Fragen und es sind meistens die selben und nein es geht mir nicht wirklich auf die nerven, weil ich so glücklich und stolz darauf bin eine Austauschschülerin zu sein :)
1. Who do you live with?
2. Do you think its better here?
3. Do you speak english in Germany?
4. Why Mississippi and not Florida, California etc.. ?
5. Do you miss your friends, family?
6. Why can you speak English?
7. I love your accent! Can you teach me german?
8. Girls: Are boys over there hot? Boys: Are girls over there hot?
9. Do you guys have cars?
10. Is russia in germany? / Is germany in russia?
11. How is it different over here?
12. Do people wear the same clothes like we do?
13. Can you say my name in german? (its the same ... )